Game Update
The IAAPA show in November is where most of the newest games in the industry are first displayed. It is an exciting time of year to see what is unique, but we have learned from many mistakes not to purchase games until they are proven earners. As we are firmly into the Summer season, we are beginning to see sales numbers on new equipment. Two clear winners so far are Fast and Furious by Raw Thrills, but the price tag makes it a fit only for high-volume locations with lots of space. Another strong performer is Dinosaur Era. Break the Plate had delays coming out of COVID, so we have had limited exposure to numbers, but so far, it has been an average performer, which is not enough given the high price tag. The Avengers pusher and Angry Birds have been the highest performing pushers and boxer games have continued to earn huge numbers since the game became a Tik Tok sensation. As always, contact us directly if you want data on a specific game; we have a database with over 100 locations reporting weekly and can look up games you may be considering. See below for a Summer Sale from our friends at Shaffer Distributing.